Feb 18, 2010

*MIZADVICE* Save on your grocery bill

Here are some dollar stretching grocery shopping tips.

Plan ahead before you shop.
Plan the week's meal in advance. Making a list will ensure that you'll have what you need on hand, and will help you avoid "impulse" purchases.

Keep your eye out for bargains at the store.
Once you've put together your list, you can save more money at the store. Look for bargains and specials at each department.

Buy ground beef and chicken breasts in bulk.
you'll save big if you buy family-size packages.

Find out an item's cost per unit.
It's usually listed on the shelf sticker next to the price. It will tell you what an item's cost per pound or ounce is, which can keep from getting tricked by packaging.

Don't go grocery shopping when hungry.
You will only pick items that you need when you are not hungry, which will stop you from buying impulsively.

{Image September 2008 Vogue}
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