Nov 10, 2011

*SAMPLE SALE* Christian Louboutin

Fellow Mizhattanites, I'm sure you've heard many times before that I try to avoid publishing any sales that are invite-only. But I have broken this rule a few times due to overwhelming requests, and of course, the Louboutin sample sale has been one of them. Well, the schedule for the upcoming Christian Louboutin sample sale has been released and I have decided to once again break this rule because of your persistence. So, here it is.

The ever epic Christian Louboutin sample sale will start next Tuesday, November 15th. Their sample sales have always been an invite-only affair and the door is NOTORIOUS for being extra extra strict (that's 2x!!). If you are an adventure-seeking shopper and therefore MUST take a chance, the last day of the sale--next Friday, November 18th--would be your best bet. Although, this is not a guarantee in any way whatsoever. Furthermore, for those expecting a full Mizhattan report, please note that out of respect for Louboutin's privacy, I will not be covering this event. But don't be too sad because I plan to write lots of other reports from the many great sample sales happening next week. Happy Shopping!!

Where: 306 W. 38th St. (bet. 8th & 9th Ave.)

When: Tuesday, November 15th through Friday, November 18th.

MizAdvice: You can always see current and upcoming events, such as this sale, by looking to the right (--->) of this post under the MizReminders section. Don't forget to follow Mizhattan on Twitter for sale updates & other up to the minute info.

{Image via prettystuff}


  1. OMG OMG OMG!!! Red soles (lust!)

  2. You must have an invite, care to let me be your +1? :)

  3. oh oh, PICK ME!!!! I will make it worth your while

  4. Hey Mizhattan I will REALLY make it worth it if you share your invite with me :D

  5. To those who have been.
    Any realistic chance of getting in?

  6. HI Miz,
    How can we get our names on this invitation list? We have to shop at their stores often? I really want to join this sample sale so badly!!!!!!

  7. Anyone wants to share invitation with me. Please let me know. Would really appreciated. THANKSSSSSSS!!!! I am sure will share with you at other sample sale when I have invitation. My email is

  8. UN diplomat will highly appreciate an invitation($$)RSVP

  9. I have had luck talking my way in on Friday in the past. Go after Noon and it becomes a little more realistic to do so.

  10. I will pay for invination, just choose me. My email address: I will greatly appreciate.

  11. how can i get an invite to this sale? thanks

  12. Hi,

    May I know if there are any email that we can send to in order to get an rsvp?

  13. how do toy get invite to the sale?

  14. Omg how the f$#*! do u get an invite!

  15. Hi, everyone , I just wonder How can I get the RSVP?

  16. anybody with an invite and allows me to be there plus one i will buy you a pair of shoes.. !!! email

  17. Do you happen to know when this years louboutin sale will be taking place?

    1. It's too early to know when their fall sample sale will start but I'll make sure to publish the info as soon as I find out.

  18. Excellent thank you!

  19. will pay $$$ for invite

  20. Are +1s allowed? Willing to pay $200 cash if you can get me in.


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