After attending yesterday's Jimmy Choo sale, I headed right to Manolo Blahnik's bi-annual sample sale in Midtown this afternoon. The Friends & Family portion had just kicked off and not even today's gloomy weather could stop me nor the hundreds of other Blahnik fanatics from attending. Now that Choo has handed over the baton to Manolo, let's see if they can fill Choo's shoes, shall we?
As always, the venue for the Manolo Blahnik sample sale was inside the 2nd floor conference rooms of the Warwick hotel. Though the sale doesn't open to the public until tomorrow morning, the waiting area and lounge was fully packed with VIPs. The usual ticketing system was in effect and after a short wait, I was in.
First and foremost, I wanted to share the good news. Unlike Choo, who raised their prices compared to the previous sale, the kind folks at Manolo dropped theirs. Plain/suede/leather/ satin heels were now $96! I know that's only a $4 decrease. But if you're like me and you're buying more than a couple of pairs, the discount quickly adds up. So, YAY!! As for the merch, mountains of Manolos in individual plastic bags filled up the tables. Sizes ranged from 35~42. 35s were located near the entrance while 42s were located near the exit. The inventory was mostly seasonal with a very limited selection of basics. Though spotting BBs requires godly luck (which I didn't have today), it was easy to find the label's "trendy" styles. To name a few, there were sage green summer sandals in suede, bow-detailed satin d'Orsays, stitch-detailed booties, pointed toe metallic pumps, orange ankle-strap sandals, snake print patent sandals, and a few driving moccasins. As I mentioned already, basic styles were priced $96 while elaborate designs were $125~$350. You can see the full price list at the end of this article.
Remember that the sale is CASH ONLY. So, be prepared if you plan on attending tomorrow's public sale. My MizAdvice is to get there VERY EARLY. Though the piles of shoes at today's VIP day seemed like a lot, I can guarantee that much of what is left will be grabbed up by the first few groups tomorrow morning. And before you ask. No, they will not be restocking. Whatever is on the tables is it.
Plain/Suede/Leather/Satin $96
Shoes with Ornaments $125
Snake Shoes $125
Snake Shoes with Rhinestone Buckle $150
Shoes with Rhinestones $150
Shoes with Large Rhinestones $175
Shoes with Embroidery $125
Lace Shoes $150
Shoes with Gromets $125
Shoes with Chains $150
Shoes with Ostrich Trim $200
Shoes in Sequins $125
Ostrich Shoes $250
Shoes with Alligator Trim $200
Shoes with Lizard Trim $175
Python and Lizard Shoes $250
Python and Lizard Sandals $200
Alligator Thongs $175
Alligator Sandals $250
Alligator Shoes $350
Pony Hair Shoes $125
Eel Shoes $175
Stingray Shoes $150
Heavy Shoes $150
Sequin Boots-Over the Knee $500
Over the Knee with Astrakhan $500
Fur Boots $500
Over the Knee Snake Boots $500
Over the Knee with Sherling $500
Over the Knee $400
Sherling $400
Mid-Calf Boots and To the Knee $350
Pony Hair Ankle Boots $300
Ankle Boots Snake $300
Lizard Shoe Bootie $300
Gladiator Boot Leather $150
Gladiator Boot Snake/Chains $250
Sandal Bootie $175
Shoe Bootie (Below Ankle) $200
Open Toe Bootie $200
Ankle Boots (At or Above Ankle) $250
If this week wasn't so busy for me at work, I'd be at these sample sales! Ugh, these posts are giving me serious bargain envy!
ReplyDeleteThere were quite a few BBs in the larger sizes but they were in kind of off patterns - drab plaid, black lace, etc.
ReplyDeleteWere there any flats?
ReplyDeleteNo cute flats in 40 or 40.5. Saw some cute small size flats.
DeleteWhat time does press end today??
ReplyDeleteIt's almost over. I think it ends at 4pm.
Deleteare there a lot of sizes for 36.5 - 37?
ReplyDeleteWhen I left, each table have more than 40 pairs. Every table is one size.
DeleteJust an FYI that 41 and 41.5 are one table so check your sizes if you're looking over there.
Deleteabout how early should I be there tmrw?
ReplyDeleteHas anyone seen any size 34 or 35s in previous years?
ReplyDelete35s have always been present at Manolo sample sales. I have never seen any 34s though.
DeleteHi just wondering where should we start lining up? Is it outside the hotel or at the door of the conference room? Thx!:)
ReplyDeleteThey have a waiting room setup. It is to the right of the stairs.
DeleteDoors open at 9am tomorrow correct?
ReplyDeleteas of now, there's already 250 people there!! people are just putting their names on a letters issued yet
ReplyDeleteThank you for the update! Please keep us informed.
DeleteDid you go to the public sale? How was it? What did you get? Let us know with a comment below!
ReplyDeleteI arrived at today's sale at 5am and there were already 20 ppl ahead. The early birds started the signing up sheet to keep the order. It was comfy to wait for a sample sale in the sofa indoor and shoe fans were chatting all along. The staffs haven't arrived till 8:20 and announced that the first 100 shud get to another room to get the ticket.
ReplyDeleteSo the signup sheet wasn't a Manolo thing. It was organized by the shoppers. Did you get anything nice?
DeleteYes the staffs were clearly not ready for such a crowd and said yesterday's VIP was much better. The first 100 people were let in the ticketing room and then staffs gave out the alphabetical tkt. so it doesn't matter if you are the 1st or the 99th on the signing sheet, as long as you elbow your way hard enough into the ticketing room, you will score an "A". I was a C and was let in after 10 mins. I have small feet of 4.5 and I found a desk of 34 and 34.5 right next to 35!!!!!!! There was no sign, I just discovered by myself!!! So I brough home 2 D'orsays with rhinestones and two boots. Very happy for my 1st MB SS. Thank you for all the info. It's been the most helpful:)))
ReplyDeleteHow nice of you to "elbow your way hard enough" so you could get your ticket. I was one of the people you elbowed. Nice to know how proud you are of behaving like an uncivilized animal. I bet your parents are proud too. I came very close to teaching you a lesson but I too wanted my shoes and I decided not to stoop to your level by breaking your arm. One of these days, you won't be so lucky. Other people have even less manners than you.
DeleteExcuse me. I think there is some misunderstanding. I arrived early and my name was signed within the earliest 20s. If te ticketing room was arranged accordingly, I would be getting in with a group B. I was left out to group C because I was elbowed by others...... I was stating the ironic situation as staffs not fully organizing the sale, as you may also notice the minor arguments in the ticketing room of someone signing up as 30 but got the group number E. Anyway, I hope you had great shopping. We ALL hope for the orderly scene.
DeleteHey, I am not the same Anonymous as above, but I don't think she means that she herself "elbowed" her way. She was able to get four pairs, probably because her feet are very uncommon size (I saw those sizes left anyhow even after noon). You probably shouldn't project your frustration into her. That is mean.
DeleteSome people are always looking for an excuse to be jerks. But we understood what you meant, dear tiny-footed shopper. Congrats on your four lovely pairs of shoes and boots!
DeleteTo my fellow Mizhattanite with 34 feet, congrats on your finds and enduring your first Manolo sale! You are now officially no longer a novice.
DeleteTo the first Anonymous Mizhattanite replier, I totally understand your frustration. It must have been extremely difficult to see all those ladies cut in front of you--especially since you probably got to the Warwick extremely early. I sincerely hope you found a few shoe steals once you got inside. Some people have a change in mentality when it comes to discount shopping. Don't be too turned off by them.
Obviously the second anonymous couldn't even read because of long-hour waiting and lack of sleep. Very mean to say these words even you were the victim...
ReplyDeleteThanks for tiny-foot's comments and congrats on your score! However I am glad I was not there since I would probably get nothing after 4-hour wait...
I went to the sale at 1 PM, hoping that something might be left for a big foot like me (I am a 42). Much to my surprise, I scored a pair of perfect snakeskin strappy heels! They were left under a table in the back corner, closer to where the 39s were. It pays to crawl under a table sometimes. While I think I was one of the few lucky ones this afternoon, I can say that at 1 PM, they were letting people in very quickly, and there was still a fair amount of stock in the 34-36 area. 41-42 had some nice ankle boots left, as well as the pointier styles in the more unusual colors (three shades of green, purple, and rust).
Big Footed Anon
Most definitely. I spotted many many "hidden" gems underneath the tables yesterday. It definitely pays to be thorough with your search. I'm so happy you found such a stunning pair!
DeleteWe were told by the SS staff around 11am that the sale was closed and they were not admitting anymore customers. They also told us there was no merchandise left and they were not reopening in the afternoon. I'm shocked to learn they lied.
DeleteOk, my first MB SS. I was one of the two digit # sign-ins, and it was sooo worth losing a few hours of morning sleep. When I was in, there were so many beautiful pairs, that I thought I could die in the shoe heaven. I let go many very beautiful pairs because I had only so much budget. The problem of size 37-39 was that they had only gorgeous pairs: none to rule out. So, all the first-comers grabbed at least 5 pair. I got five as well: suede ankle boots, black BB, D'orsays mary jane, cute booties, and rhimestone sandals. I am still so shoe-high. I think I am in a shoe coma. I know that my co-shoppers bought more than me, so hope some of you post! And sorry for those had bad experience: next time it will be your turn. :)
ReplyDeleteHahaha. Wow, sounds like you had a GREAT time. I'm smiling just reading your comment.
DeleteI am a size 36/37 and there was plenty of stock, particularly in 37s, but people were hoarding like crazy! I'm talking about mountains of 20-30 pairs of shoes. I didn't end up getting anything despite arriving at the sale at 6:30 am.
ReplyDeleteOooohh. Sorry to hear that. Don't worry too much because there are plenty of sample sales coming up! I'm sure you'll find something better soon.
DeleteAny other fellow Mizhattanites attend the sale and want to share their experience/purchases? Let us know!
ReplyDeleteI went at 5 this moring and came out with 7 pairs. I love you Miz for letting us know of this sale. The sale was disorganized but I think it got worse after I left. I applaud Manolo workers for keeping things together as much as they could. I think it could have been worse. Trampling perhaps
ReplyDeleteWhy is it when Mizhattan breaks news on a sample sale and I decide to go, its always crazy?????? YSL. Roger Vivier. Jimmy Choo. Manolo Blahnik. All of them have crazy long lines and chaos inside. I love and hate you Mizhattan.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, you love me because I love you! But all kidding aside, it's not because I'm breaking the news. You just have good taste and are picking the sales that are popular.
DeleteThank you for all the sweet words:) I find manolo' SS really worth going because as I went through all the sizes at last, there are some hidden latest styles: jeweled satin boots which just came out last Sept; rhinestone D'orsays which are still on Saks' shelf. Also I spotted a lucky gal checking out a white swam pump!!!! Yes THE ONE. You can get so lucky....
ReplyDeleteTiny-footed C
AWFUL experience! MB and/or Warwick employees closed the door around 10:45am to approximately 50 rain- soaked customers! I arrived at 9am, and was turned away nearly 2 hours later. Moreover, the employees claimed there was very little merchandise left with 300 people waiting inside. They claimed they were NOT re-opening at 1pm. Apparently, that was a lie as they did open the doors this afternoon and there WAS merchandise available. (although I'm a 37 which is somewhat popular) Very very disappointing...
ReplyDeleteAwful experience for me too.
DeleteThe person who's in charge of giving out numbers/tickets didn't show up at 6:00 am like always, so people had to sign an attendance and wait. It ended up having almost 400 ppls waiting in the room as of 8:00 am. And when the ticket person finally showed up, it turned into a dizaster--- people rushed to the doors and blocked the hallway. the MB and/or Warwick employees is confusing too, as one of the workers in front asked first 75 people to go into another room(which is hard since a lot ppls blocked the way!), then the other worker in the back asked all people to go back to the room again.
People in the back had no clues what's happening in the front, and didn't know what to do as no one came and give direction. So when me and couple other girls found out they were calling numbers and managed to make our way to the front our A tickets have already been given out to people behind us. There's no "reservation" even if you've signed the sheet, which made the attendance sheet pointless as it became a first-call-first-in game. We woke up early and came at 5:30 am hoping for best section, but in the end had to go into the sale later with people came at 7:00 am. :(
I'm so disappointed at the way Manolo treated their royal customers, those who love the brand and willing to come and shop. I didn't have any mood to shop after this chaos whatsoever. WORST Manolo sample sale ever!
No offense but their "royal" customers are those who pay full price for their shoes. Not people who buy them for 100 at a sample sale.
DeleteEven if it's deeply discounted, I think people who are willing to get up at dawn and wait for couple hours must love the brand very much. People show their royalty in different ways. After all we can't all be millionaires. And I believe a lot Manolo lovers went today also buy Manolo for full price too! :)
DeleteTrue, I met a few shoppers yesterday who have paid full price for them.
DeleteYou meant "loyal," not "royal," right? ;)
DeleteI was #41!!! Scored me a pair of black patent leather BBs!!!!!! The check out ladies were impressed :)
ReplyDeleteThat is seriously awesome! Great find!!
DeleteThere were was a lot confusion in the beginning, but I ended up getting some nice shoes. I couldn't stay, but My mom was there. I gave her the money and she took pictures of the shoes that were in my size; sent me the pics, I approved them and she bought them! The buddy system worked for me LOL.
ReplyDeleteBTW the way did anyone notice that the price went up? $96 on VIP sale; $100 on Public sale. The link below mentions the price difference.
The pricing was still $96 according to the price sheet. The salespeople just said that were adding sales tax. Shrug. That being said I can completely see how and why they wouldn't want to charge $96. I can't imagine how difficult it would be to make change in the chaos.
DeleteI was one of the folks who came in at 7am (#171 I might add) and was out by 10:30am with 2 pairs. I wished I had time to really look but I picked up what I spotted and liked, tried on and went to check out. I appreciated that MB honored the list(because it would have been CHAOS and FIGHTING!!),called out the numbers,checked your name to make sure you are who you say your number was,gave you a ticket and you waited to be let in the other room. I feel it was up to YOU to be on top of what was going on. They announced to us to not leave in the waiting room after you got your ticket. Last I looked at the list, it was at 300 so I am sure the hotel and MB were not expecting that but it was a SS so load up on your coffee, mags and gift of gab. I had nooo issues and would be back again and again!
ReplyDeleteHello #171, I remember you! I was # 316. It's so funny how one can remember someone by their number on the sign in sheet. I'm glad you got some shoes for yourself! As for myself I got 3 pairs.
DeleteAhh!! I remember you as well. That was our ID huh!!lol Glad you made out well. See you at the next one hopefully!!