Oct 4, 2013

*SALE HUNT* Hermès Private Sale in Manhasset

Earlier this week, I received two separate emails from fellow Mizhattanites informing me of an Hermès private sale happening this weekend in Manhasset, LI. At first, I decided not to publish the info as I try to avoid publishing events that happen outside of Manhattan. But after hearing how great the sale is and how it's worth the journey out to the Island, I thought everyone deserved to know the details.

According to both tipsters (a BIG thank you!), this private event is actually open to the public. Read: No invite necessary! The sale is scheduled to run through Monday, October 7th, and unlike last month's Hermès sample sale, shoppers will find a healthy variety of enamels, ties, and silks in stock. One tipster mentioned that most items were marked down 50% while some clothes were discounted even more.

I know how troublesome it can be to get out of the city, but she was unwavering in saying the sale was absolutely worth the trip. Since the weather is supposed to be gorgeous, it seems to be the perfect opportunity to indulge in a short weekend shopping trip to the 'burbs and drop by Hermès Manhasset. So, my fellow Mizhattanites, care to become a Mizhasset for a day?

{Image credit: Hermès}


  1. Could you let me know the sample sale address and date?
    thank you

    1. It's not a sample sale. This is a private sale held at the Manhasset store at mall of Americana. The sale is happening right now. Ends on Monday.

    2. Thank you. Have a nice weekend

  2. As usual your facts are all wrong!

    1. Could you elaborate on your views on why this article is wrong?

    2. Thats just rude. Miz usually is on point and if there is ever a small mistake she fixes it fast and informs us all.

      Thank you mizhattan for all your hard work!

  3. What are you talking about? Miz wrote the correct details.

  4. Most silks, ties and other yummy accessories were all sold out but for RTW - at least it was yesterday.

    1. Yes, I received an email from another reader notifying me that:

      "They are completely sold out of scarves and have very little small leather goods (if any). They only have ready to wear, shoes, and some hats remaining. "


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