Of all the handbag brands promising discreet luxury, very few deliver on that commitment. But Mark Cross, with their understated and refined approach, receives top marks for their definition of inconspicuous fine luxury. Even the company's sample sale fits the character of the label. Hosted at the brand's corporate office, discounted bags, small leather goods, weekend bags, and luggages were displayed inside a very intimate space with uber-friendly staff waiting on hand to attend to any needs.
Fellow Mizhattanites are well aware that my heart flutters when it comes to grabbing an unbelievable deal and this sale definitely got me excited. Grace Box bags, Grace clutches, Hadley satchels, Laura shoulder bags, Madison Doctor satchels, Benchley shoulder bags, Manray wicker bags, classic briefcases, leather wallets, iPhone sleeves, iPad cases, duffle bag, and luggage trolleys adorned the shelves, tables, and floor. The merchandise spanned several seasons and the quality was top notch.
As for prices, each item was marked individually and discounts were very very impressive. Starting with the most affordable options, men's wallets were $50 (originally $395) while women's wallets were $100~$250 depending on the size and the leather used. Credit card holders were $50 (originally $225) while iPad cases were $100. As for bags, small calf leather Grace Box bags in a multitude of colors were $450 each (originally $2,200) while a canary yellow python version was $750 (originally $3,500). Other selections included Hadley satchels for $450 and Manray wicker totes for $400~$550.
With the sample sale season currently in an end-of-summer slumber, this 2-day long Mark Cross event is definitely a nice and welcomed surprise. If you have the urge to scoop up one of their meticulously crafted designs at a substantial discount, tomorrow is your chance. The hours are from 9am to 6pm and they are located at 29 W. 35th Street, Suite 6N.

I ran over after I saw your tweet! (An hr later). There were still many options, although the box bags were depleting. Was so tempted to go home with two bags (bought the red and black striped flap) but decided to be a financially, responsible adult. FYI: just spent the past hr talking myself out of returning tomorrow.
ReplyDeletePS- the designer was there and he is the sweetest guy!
So bummed that I missed this!! Any chance they will extend it to Thursday?
ReplyDeleteIt ended yesterday and there wasn't much of anything left end of day... Sigh. I'll have to wait for the next one and get there ASAP.
Delete@Miz are they having another one this year? Haven't heard anything yet...
ReplyDeleteWas told by corporate that this year's sale will be private.